COVID-19 Information for Parents and Carers

The safety and wellbeing of our school communities is our top priority. For more information on COVID-19 please visit the
COVID-19 Government Website.


Face masks are not mandatory indoors at schools. However individuals should wear a mask if recommended by Public Health. Find out more information on face masks.

Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT)

Students and staff will continue to have access to rapid antigen tests (RATs). Parents and carers are encouraged to use a RAT if their child has COVID-19 symptoms and organise a replacement from their school at their earliest convenience.

Positive Cases

Individuals who have COVID -19 symptoms are encouraged to stay at home while they remain unwell, but it will no longer be mandated for them to remain in isolation for five days.

Public health recommends you:

  • Stay up to date with vaccination—this offers the best protection against severe disease

  • Test if you have symptoms especially if you are at risk of severe illness or are eligible for antiviral treatments

  • Stay at home while you have symptoms—this is when you are most infectious and can spread the virus to others

  • Maintain good hygiene, such as keeping hands clean, covering coughs and sneezes and physical distancing

Read more about the requirement for positive cases

Student Attendance and Symptom Management

Staff, students and any visitors to CST who are unwell or have COVID-19 symptoms should stay home and not attend school.

If a student, staff member or visitor displays acute cold or flu-like symptoms, they will be required to return home and advised to phone their GP or the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738.

Visiting your Child’s School

Parents and carers are welcome at our schools but your time spent on-site should be limited. While visiting our schools COVID-19 safe behaviour should be practised. That is:

  • Stay at home if you are feeling unwell and cover coughs and sneezes

  • Stay home and get tested for COVID-19 if you have cold or flu like symptoms, no matter how mild

  • Frequently wash your hands and use hand sanitiser

  • Try and stay 1.5 metres away from others when you can


Natural airflow will be increased by opening windows and doors and learning outdoors where possible

  • Where possible, teachers will ensure all doors and windows remain open, and air-conditioning is left on to provide maximum air circulation

  • Periodic maintenance of air conditioners and air purifiers is ongoing, including replacing air filters

  • Ongoing audits of workspaces within the school will be undertaken to identify additional ventilation needs and solutions such as air purifiers

  • Schools will identify further opportunities for outdoor learning spaces and enhance existing outdoor learning areas


Tasmanian Public Health Service advises that vaccination is the best way to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms and the likelihood of contracting the virus. At CST:

  • All staff are supported and encouraged to receive booster doses

  • Current Tasmanian Public Health Service advice strongly encourages students aged five years and over to be vaccinated

  • CST does not have a mandatory vaccination policy and will not treat students, staff or visitors differently based on their vaccination status