2023 — 2028 StrATEGIC PLAN

The Strategic Plan has been developed collaboratively by the Christian Schools Tasmania Board, the Executive and other key leaders of Christian Schools Tasmania.

The Plan will allow those charged with the governance, leadership and management of Christian Schools Tasmania to focus on a number of agreed strategic priorities. These priorities will assist us in achieving the operational objectives for each school and for our organisation as well as helping us achieve our aspiration to become truly distinctive. The priorities will guide our operational framework, our teaching and learning and our marketing and communication to key stakeholders to enable, support and promote this distinctive aspiration. 

The Plan should be read in the context of other key Christian Schools Tasmania policies and documents including our Constitution and Statement of Christian Faith.


The Plan has five key strategic pillars:

  1. Learning and Wellbeing — Our Students

  2. People and Culture — Our Staff

  3. Community — Our Partners and Stakeholders

  4. Stewardship — Our Resources and Operations

  5. Governance and Leadership — Our Leaders


Building to Transform

As we reflect on the last five years and everything that Christian Schools Tasmania has achieved, we know that we're not finished yet!


As we head into 2023 we are building our future, our students, our people to transform our communities, our schools and our lives at Calvin Christian School, Channel Christian School, Emmanuel Christian School and Northern Christian School

Head over to our Youtube Channel to Subscribe and watch the film!